Lawyer Gary Kreep has drawn attention for defending Glenn Beck and fighting a court battle for a client who embraces the “birther” conspiracy theory that Barack Obama is ineligible to be president. Now Kreep and his conservative legal group, the United States Justice Foundation, are trying to raise money off a new cause: protecting Americans from the “Global Socialism” and “Global Dictatorship” that will come if a global climate treaty is signed in Copenhagen, Denmark later this year.
USJF, which calls itself “your conservative voice in the courts,” is involved in many extreme conservative causes. Kreep has fought to protect the anti-immigrant “Minutemen,” railed against gay marriage, and allied with the extremist anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. But this anti-Copenhagen advocacy seems to be new. In an email to members of a conservative website’s mailing list, Kreep warns of dire consequences if Obama is allowed to pursue a climate treaty and suggests that only by donating to his organization can conservatives avert disaster:
The sovereign and independent status that America has cherished for over 200 years may come to an abrupt end in December, 2009, if Barack Obama signs the Copenhagen Climate Treaty.
What is the Copenhagen Climate Treaty?
The Copenhagen Treaty has two stated goals:
* Transfer wealth from Industrial Nations (The United States) to Developing Countries.
* Dictate energy use and consumption to Industrial Nations (The United States)Now, just so we are clear…
* Goal Number One is Global Socialism
* Goal Number Two is a Global Dictatorship
Kreep’s list of the “devastating immediate economic impact of the Copenhagen Climate Treaty” is a complete roundup of conservative paranoia about climate change mitigation measures:
- Limit manufacturing in the U.S. by cap and trade regulations = Loss of Jobs
- Limit personal consumption of energy by law and costs = Loss of Freedom
- Hyper Energy cost Inflation
- ALL goods and materials to become more expensive = Double Digit Inflation
- Transportation to become more expensive = $10 per gallon gas prices
- Halt the US Recovery = Prolonged Recession / Depression
- Assure and accelerate the shift of economic growth and profitability from the U.S to emerging markets = Loss of Opportunity
- Increase Imports for emerging countries who will not be subject to the same carbon emissions limits = Unfair Competition, Increased Trade Deficit
- Cause the U.S. to become an even greater debtor while China becomes an even bigger creditor = More Red Debt
- Add momentum to the movement away from the U.S. Dollar toward an alternate single or composite world reserve currency = One World Currency
- Increase the cost of Treasury borrowings = Ballooning Deficit
- Drive up federal and state taxes = Suffocating Taxes
His conclusion drives the paranoia home:
The Copenhagen Climate Treaty will strip America of its Sovereignty, and subject us to laws, rules and huge taxes levied by a one-world, leftist, elitist governing body that wants to steal America’s wealth to punish us for our success as a nation. Worst of all, Americans will NOT have the power to vote these elitists out of office, impeach them, or hold them accountable in any way whatsoever…. If we do not stand firm and united against this treasonous treaty, the greatest country in the world may be forever subservient to a One World Order and it will have happened on our watch.
Kreep’s not alone in his worries that climate change mitigation measures will lead to dictatorship or one-world-government. Fox News host Sean Hannity is a big fan of pushing similar fears. So, for the matter, is Sen. Dave Vitter (R-La.). It’s just another example of how congressional Republicans are increasingly embracing the ideas and rhetoric of the far right.