In no particular order:
- A tour of the warehouse full of Bibles that people have sent him.
- All the news clippings from 2003 about his strong opposition to the Iraq War.
- The final report of his Hawaii investigators about Barack Obama’s place of birth.
- The income tax returns he promised to release several months ago.
- A detailed description of the “surgical” strike he supported against Libya.
- His directive to all Trump properties that they allow guns on their premises.
- Whether he would ever use nuclear weapons against ISIS.
- An explanation for why he quietly removed the graphic from this tweet.
- An accounting of how much money he made from Trump University, and why he never gave it to charity, as he promised.
- His “little retort” to Hillary Clinton’s entirely accurate representation of his foreign policy views. (In fairness, he still has a few hours left to make good on this.)
Just curious. He’s a busy guy, and definitely not a liar. I’m sure he’ll get around to all this stuff eventually.