Me, a few minutes after 3 pm today: “Beck is really bringing it today. Finally his theory of the world is complete.” And just what is that theory of the world? Behold:
Here’s Egypt, Libya, Tunisia. What’s next to Tunisia? Algeria, also on fire now, the riots are starting here. Morocco is on fire. What’s across from Morocco? Spain. Connected to France, and Germany, and Italy, also on fire. And Greece, also on fire. Which brings you right back here to Turkey. The entire Mediterranean is on fire.
Also Russia, Britain, and Ireland. And who’s responsible for all this? Muslims, radicals, progressives, Marxists, socialists, and communists. (Seriously.) “This is not just happenstance, this is not just poor people mad at rich people. This. Is. Coordinated.” And nobody but Glenn Beck is willing to tell you the truth about it. Plus there was talk of the coming Muslim caliphate, which brought back fond memories of Steven Den Beste-era warblogging. Great stuff, truly the Full Beale today.