Medicare Part D: Watch Those Numbers

What happens to the drug benefit depends on how many people enroll. So far, that’s not many.

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In the short run, what happens to the drug benefit depends critically on enrollment, enrollment, and enrollment. Yet voluntary enrollment in the benefit has been sluggish so far at best.

If beneficiaries enroll steadily despite their confusion, irritation, and the deserved bad publicity for the benefit as it has gone “live,” the market-based design will have a chance to work temporarily—probably until the federal government stops assuming much of the insurers’ risk. Insurers flocked to the benefit in large part because there was some chance that they could make money without much chance of loss. If enrollment is robust, drug companies will compete to offer lower prices, premiums will remain relatively low, plans will stay in the market, and beneficiary dissatisfaction with the program will subside. If enrollment continues to flag, premiums will rise, plans will pull up stakes, and the future of the benefit will be in more immediate jeopardy.

As it stands, due to the complicated design and the ham-handed implementation of the benefit, the rollout seems almost calculated to reap successive waves of bad publicity. First we saw the mystifying two-stage sign-up process for dual eligibles, followed by the announcement of participating drug plans without adequate supporting information, and then the bungled transfer of beneficiaries from Medicaid to Medicare. Another round of negative publicity may predictably ensue in May, when beneficiaries who haven’t yet signed up face late enrollment penalties.

The drug benefit’s implementation has been so feckless that one might think—even making reasonable allowance for bureaucratic snafus—that the success of freestanding drug plans is not the administration’s intent. Instead, it may be pursuing a more longstanding goal—increasing enrollment in private Medicare managed care plans. Compared to negotiating the labyrinth of premiums and cost-sharing arrangements in the standalone prescription drug plans (PDPs), joining a Medicare HMO is a snap.

This migration toward comprehensive private plans might already be in the works. As an article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal points out, Humana plans to use the lure of low premiums for its PDPs as a loss leader for its more profitable Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. To be sure, this may only be one insurer’s gamble, but the enrollment numbers for MA plans bear watching.

One other enrollment number, sadly, stands out: the relatively low number of low-income Medicare beneficiaries who have successfully applied for subsidies. Just 1.1 million of the 4.6 million HHS projected last year would receive this subsidy in 2006 have been approved thus far. Since these are the beneficiaries who stand to gain the most from the drug benefit, this slow take-up rate is especially troubling.  


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It is astonishingly hard keeping a newsroom afloat these days, and we need to raise $253,000 in online donations quickly, by October 7.

The short of it: Last year, we had to cut $1 million from our budget so we could have any chance of breaking even by the time our fiscal year ended in June. And despite a huge rally from so many of you leading up to the deadline, we still came up a bit short on the whole. We can’t let that happen again. We have no wiggle room to begin with, and now we have a hole to dig out of.

Readers also told us to just give it to you straight when we need to ask for your support, and seeing how matter-of-factly explaining our inner workings, our challenges and finances, can bring more of you in has been a real silver lining. So our online membership lead, Brian, lays it all out for you in his personal, insider account (that literally puts his skin in the game!) of how urgent things are right now.

The upshot: Being able to rally $253,000 in donations over these next few weeks is vitally important simply because it is the number that keeps us right on track, helping make sure we don't end up with a bigger gap than can be filled again, helping us avoid any significant (and knowable) cash-flow crunches for now. We used to be more nonchalant about coming up short this time of year, thinking we can make it by the time June rolls around. Not anymore.

Because the in-depth journalism on underreported beats and unique perspectives on the daily news you turn to Mother Jones for is only possible because readers fund us. Corporations and powerful people with deep pockets will never sustain the type of journalism we exist to do. The only investors who won’t let independent, investigative journalism down are the people who actually care about its future—you.

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