CNN just went live to Romney headquarters in New Hampshire where everybody is looking pretty morose since McCain has just been projected as the winner. But to keep everybody feeling good, they’ve got some entertainment on stage: a guy playing acoustic guitar, singing a little tune for the assembled Romney supporters. What’s he singing? Hey, it’s Stone Temple Pilots’ “Plush”! Could there perhaps be a somewhat ironic couplet in that tune as regards the Romney campaign?
Where ya going for tomorrow?
Where ya going with that mask I found?
The “mask” thing is a bit of a stretch, maybe you can think of it in terms of a flip-floppy, “who’s-the-real-Romney” kind of thing? Anyway, one wonders what the audience thought of the next few lines:
And I feel, and I feel
When the dogs begin to smell her
Will she smell alone?
Video for the original song after the jump, for no reason.