Some of Bill Maher’s great moments in celebrity ass kicking—and kissing:
Pope Benedict: A former “Nazi” who heads a “child-abusing cult”
Richard Dawkins: The atheist scientist’s book “someday will be by the bed at every hotel in America.”
Charlie Sheen: A 9/11 conspiracy, ahem, “scholar” and “a freak”
George Clooney: “Why can’t more people be like him?”
John McCain: “A warrior who’s dumb about war”
Barack Obama: “The Jackie Robinson of politics”
Rush Limbaugh: “Why couldn’t have he croaked from [OxyContin] instead of Heath?”
Ann Coulter: “I like her—I like what she says less and less.”
George W. Bush: “Retard,” son of “a bitch”
Ralph Nader: A “hero” who’s “bringing sexy back”
Heritage Foundation, Project for the New American Century: “You can’t call yourself a think tank if all your ideas are stupid.”
Arianna Huffington: He and the “seductive” salonista are “like an old married couple, except instead of having obligatory sex on our birthdays, we blog.”