Today’s must reads think Barack Obama is a LIAR!
- “My Advice Is He Apologize Immediately” (WaPo)
- David Corn: Obama’s Speech: The Doctor Is In (MoJo)
- E.J. Dionne: Obama Fires Back On Health Care Reform (WaPo)
- Jim Ridgeway: Good Speech, Muddled Politics (MoJo)
- We’re Really Not Kidding: The Supreme Court Is Probably Going to Allow Unlimited Corporate Donations In Federal Elections (MoJo)
- US Says Iran Has Ability To “Expedite” Nuke (NYT)
- Black Sea Port a Flashpoint for Georgia and Russia (NYT)
- Google Plans to Help Newspapers Charge for Content (NYT/Bits Blog)
- Great War Reporting From McClatchy’s Jonathan Landay (McClatchy)
- What Birthers Believe (YouTube)
- GOP Lawmaker’s Graphic Sex-Bragging Caught On Tape (TPM)
- How Medicare Is Communist—Really! (The Economist)
I post items like these throughout the day on twitter. You should follow me, of course. David Corn, Mother Jones’ DC bureau chief, also tweets. So do my colleagues Daniel Schulman and Rachel Morris and our editors-in-chief, Clara Jeffery and Monika Bauerlein. Follow them, too! (The magazine’s main account is @motherjones.)