Today’s must-reads:
- Five ways to improve the Baucus bill (Ezra Klein)
- The proponent of one of those five ways talks it up (Sen. Ron Wyden/NYT)
- The worst policy in the Baucus bill, and possibly in the world (Ezra Klein)
- Chart comparing Baucus bill’s affordability with Massachusetts’ plan (Nicholas Beaudrot)
- Retailers battle credit card fees (WaPo)
- Court okays Haliburton rape case involving Iraq contractor–which had been blocked partly due to Dick Cheney. (MoJo)
- Real-life “Norma Rae” dies after battle with insurance company (MoJo)
- “Obama refuses to be their n*****. And it’s driving them crazy.” (Ta-Nehisi Coates)
- Are Obama’s judges really liberal? (The New Yorker)
I post items like these throughout the day on twitter. You should follow me, of course. David Corn, Mother Jones’ DC bureau chief, also tweets. So do my colleagues Daniel Schulman and Rachel Morris and our editors-in-chief, Clara Jeffery and Monika Bauerlein. Follow them, too! (The magazine’s main account is @motherjones.)