The must reads from around the web and in today’s papers:
- We don’t believe you, Mr. Kim: “North Korea calls for peace treaty to replace armistice” [Reuters]
- Prop 8 trial is all about the children (just not the children of gay parents). [MoJo]
- “Sarah Palin and FOX News: a match made in heaven” [CSMonitor]
- Give us our money back: “Banks Brace for Bailout Fees” [WSJ]
- In crisis, the Federal Reserve records a $45B profit. [WashPo]
- “What the Financial Crisis Commission Should Ask” [NYTimes Dealbook Column]
- An essential component of the financial crisis: “The Vicious Cycle of Stagnant Wages” [Kevin Drum]
- Tennessean Harold Ford, booted out of the Congressional office he inherent, wants to represent
Wall StreetNew York state. [The Notion] - “States Lower Standards for a High School Diploma” | Bob Herbert talks with union leader about teacher evaluations [NYTimes]
- Efficiency: “Climate Change’s Low-Hanging Fruit” [Kevin Drum]
- Who’s fighting greenhouse gas regulations now: a coal state Dem and…California?! [MoJo]
- Why China has the fastest trains in the world. [The Vine]
- NJ lawmakers pass medical marijuana bill [NYTimes] | What do guns and ganja have in common? [MoJo]
- “And the Award for the First Country to Establish Broadband as a Legal Right Goes To…” [Gizmodo]
- Venezula devalues its currency, stoking inflation, and politcal uncertainty. [EIU ViewsWire]
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