It’s no shocker that Sarah Palin is a big fan of oil. After all, it was Palin who popularized “Drill, baby, drill,” back in 2008. And this morning she made it known again in her characteristic mode of communication, Facebook, with a screed protesting the energy plans Obama outlined in his State of the Union address this week:
When it comes to energy issues, we heard more vague promises last night as the President’s rhetoric suggested an all-of-the-above solution to meeting our country’s energy needs. But again, his actions point in a different direction. He offers a vision of a future powered by what he refers to as “clean energy,” but how we will get there from here remains a mystery. In the meantime, he continues to stymie the responsible development of our own abundant conventional energy resources – the stuff we actually use right now to fuel our economy. His continued hostility towards domestic drilling means hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs will not be created and millions of Americans will end up paying more at the pump. It also means we’ll continue to transfer hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars to foreign regimes that don’t have America’s interests at heart.
While we’re on the subject, see my post this morning on Blue Marble about how it’s probably wishful thinking that energy is a “bipartisan” issue.