Jeb Bush released 33 years of tax returns on Tuesday evening. So how much did he give to charity over the years?
Not that much. Between 2003 and 2013, Bush gave 1.5 percent of his income to charity, according to the lists of charitable deductions in the tax returns. That’s about half the national average of 3 percent, according to Charity Navigator.
In a letter posted on his website, Bush says he has given $739,000 to charity between 2007 and 2014, which indicates that he increased his annual rate of giving substantially last year. (His 2014 tax return will be released in the fall, according to his campaign.) “Since I left the governor’s office I have tried to give back—and even though all of us strive to do more—I’m proud of what Columba and I have contributed,” he wrote.
Bush’s charitable donations as a percentage of his income is substantially less than the 13.8 percent given by Mitt Romney in the year before he launched his last presidential campaign. Bill and Hillary Clinton gave away about $10 million in the years leading up to the 2008 election, with much of that money going to the family’s foundation. That was about 10 percent of their income. The Obamas gave 15 percent of their income to charity in 2014. (The Bidens’ charitable giving was far lower: 2 percent.)