So your morning train was packed with halitosis-breathing psychos. You stepped over (human?) poo on the way to work. The weather is bad: Winter Is Coming. Your boss—a prick at the best of times—is breathing down your neck about this or that and just won’t shut up, even though you’ve already done the task and it’s been sitting in his inbox for a week. That Tinder date you worked yourself up about last weekend won’t text back. (He said he got a new phone? But it’s been days!) And now you’re refusing to “take a hint.” But what if you run into him at that gig next week? Listen to me. Whatever’s going on right now, screw it, because the video that just came up in my Facebook feed will make you laugh and forget all the jerks:
Can’t stop watching this video looool
Posted by Jeremy de Koste on Wednesday, January 21, 2015
h/t “Little Things“/Huffington Post